SEASOFT’s Lemon GrenAIDE™ 8 oz. Spray


SKU: 003-020 Category:


Why buy Lemon GrenAIDE™ Spray!

It works, stronger than Lysol™ Liquid Cleaner, Lemon GrenAIDE™.

This is SEASOFT’s first product that was not strictly for scuba diving. We have simply had consumers asking us for years to introduce a reformulated Lemon GrenAIDE™ that would have the best features of all of the other Lemon GrenAIDE™ products. It would clean…KILL STINK…and deodorize like nothing else.

Countertops – Kills STINK and then leaves the surface SO CLEAN!

Cat beds, dog stuff and just plain stinky stuff. – The enzymes in Lemon GrenAIDE Spray eats the source that causes those odors!

Deodorizer – Lemon GrenAIDE still contains 15% Lemon Juice and Lemon Oil and it smells like you have a Lemon grove in your house. Our customers rave about it.


Tips: Lemon GrenAIDE™ is super awesome on STAINLESS STEEL, the natural lemon juice slices through the finger prints and smudges.


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